Wednesday, May 12, 2010

B'TWEEN INNINGS W/JAVY IV (top of the seventh)

don't know if I'm gonna make the 7th inning —so... I'm texting between pitches and I just gave up
the lead... Maybe the Yankees should've kept Austin Jackson... Good Hitter, Of course —my pitching isn't anything to really judge by... Jeez... after those walks last inning, I'm surprised
Girardi left me in here... and UH OH —Great... A Monster shot but Foul...whew... who hit that?
who is that fellow at the plate? Hey Pal turn around so I can see your number —ahhh... base hit
—losing 2 to 0... don't need ex-lax... let me tell you... every game down 2-0 like clockwork...
ahhhh... the pitcher's friend... a double play... now it's up to our bats... well, I guess I can keep writing since it's now the top of the seventh and I haven't been removed (yet)... oh, well...
i'm a little bit tired —so... if you see me for the top of the eighth, maybe we scored... maybe you're in the shower with me... we'll see... time'll praytell...

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